The website was designed by Creando. Ideas and strategies for culture – Creando. Ideas and strategies for culture as part of the assignment for the revision of the Communication Strategy
in collaboration with: Giordano Gemelli, editing; Sara Radice, graphics and web development.
Project structured in progressive stages:
– Communication strategy and vision
– Scenario analysis and definition of needs
– Action plan
– Integrated visual identity
– Information architecture of the site
– Content editing for web environment
– Editing and multi-channel layouts
Scientific Supervision:
Director Cecilia Sodano
Image credits:
For each image the credit is specified. We would like to thank Massimo Tomasini for the use of the images. The Museum is willing to modify credits or delete images if deemed unsuitable or at the request of authors.
This website was created with the support of the Regione Lazio for “Biblioteche, Musei e Istituti similari, Ecomusei e Archivi – Piano annuale 2023, L.R. 24/2019”
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